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Why is My Air Conditioner Not Cooling My Home?

Central Air Conditioner Not Cooling Home

With our Sensairity Pricing we will fix your system for $199 (plus parts) including our 2-year "One Call" warranty.

There are many possible reasons why your air conditioner is not cooling your home properly. For instance, your system may not be properly charged with refrigerant or the A/C coil attached to your duct system may be dirty.

These can lead to numerous other issues:

If your A/C is running but is not cooling your home then most likely you are overpaying on your electric bill since your air conditioner is running constantly to try and cool your home.

A dirty coil can be a breeding ground for bacteria, mold and other microorganisms. In other words, your air conditioner could be making you sick in addition to costing you more on your energy bill.

Double Click Air Conditioning offers professional maintenance and repair service that can diagnose these issues and fix them for you in a timely fashion. We also help you get maximum performance out of your air conditioner to keep your electric bills down.

Call Us today at (888) 409-6297 or fill out the form to take advantage of this today.

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